To secure your appointment, a credit card number is required at the time of booking. That credit card number is securely stored on file and can be charged on the day of your appointment. Kindly review our cancellation policy below. By booking an appointment, you are accepting the conditions of our cancellation policy.
Please arrive on time to ensure you get the most out of your experience. If you are running late, we will make every effort to accommodate you. Some services may not be extended based on late arrivals, which means that your appointment will end at its scheduled time so that the next guest will not be delayed.
Only children receiving services will be permitted in the service area. For the safety of children under the age of 10 who are not receiving services, adult supervision is required in the waiting area.
In order to provide you and other guests with excellent customer service, 24 hours notice is required in order to change or cancel your appointment. We understand that emergencies happen, but we appreciate your effort to give us as much time as possible to book that time for someone else. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice, same day cancellations, or failure to arrive for your appointment will result in a 50% charge of the scheduled services to the credit card on file.
If you are not entirely satisfied with your product purchase, you may return the product in exchange for other products or for a retail credit. We do not issue refunds. Hair equipment (i.e. brushes and flat irons) must be returned in the original packaging. We will not accept used equipment.
All returns must be within 30 days of the original purchase with the original receipt. Only products purchased at Salone Estetica may be returned.